Newbies Guide

Hey so your new to club penguin well welcome i know you will enjoy the awesome game forever so your having trouble doing stuff well in my guide i will show you everything to enjoy in this winter wonderland

Making Friends
So you wanna make friends and are having trouble well dont worry follow the steps below

1. Try hosting a party, send everyone a postcard saying that your having a party at your igloo if your a member you can open your igloo and buy items otherwise you can just have a dancing party or something

2. In the previous step you learn’t about postcards well another way to get friends is to send all sorts of postcards by clicking  on their playcard to open there player card click their penguin.
Here are some postcards.

A good example of what a postcard will look like is this.

 If you want add them as a buddy click if they  acept you can go to their igloo by clicking the house icon on their playercard or find them by clicking the icon after the buddy icon.

Mean People
People may be mean to you read this part of the guide so you know how to stop them

1. Ask them not to do/say what there doing/saying
2. If they dont stop report them with the icon
These are the options to report them for choose one depending on what they done

3. If someone is saying something annoying you dont like ignore them with the  icon on their playercard if you have reported someone they will be added to your ignore list automaticly
4. If you want to help other penguins be safe from mean people and help them around too click the ”
M” in the top right hand corner of the screen to take the quiz  you can only do it if your 30 days old on cp 
5. Another way to help penguins is to become a tour guide theres a tour booth at the ski village but you have to be at least 46 Days Old or something

1.If your a non member you can only get free items that come out
2.if your a member you can buy items at the gift shop
3. Backrounds and pins can wbe got by all penguins on cp

Hope this short guide is enough for you to learn the basics of cp waddle around and expand your mind about cp~Superzipper


One Comment

  1. clubpenguincheater101 replied:

    Good adivce sept im not a newbie i catch on to things like dis very quickly!

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